Education is our top priority. Find out how can you contribute towards sponsoring a child

Daily Devotionals
Studing the word of God is key and at SCLC we spread God’s word through daily devotionals
NEW CENTRE ALERT!!! SCLC FREE WEEKEND PRIMARY SCHOOL EDUCATION PROJECT >>>> SEPTEMBER 2023 >>>> Now Recruiting for staffs Click here to find out more.
Education is our top priority. Find out how can you contribute towards sponsoring a child
Studing the word of God is key and at SCLC we spread God’s word through daily devotionals
All donations will go towards supporting 3 main courses: the saturday school education, annual competitions and supporting other charities.
Our project is working with less privileged kids in Nigeria. We’ve achieved great successes and still continuing on the course.
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A one off donation of £12, $13, ₦10,000 from 1,200 PEOPLE will help feed 500 children every Saturday for a year. We need your help and that of your friends too.
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