Empowered For The Journey Ahead!

God has empowered you for the journey ahead!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Text: Joshua 1:5  “No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you.”

Memory Verse: James 1:12 “God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”

The journey ahead without doubt is a tough one as we can see more than snippets of the world almost falling apart. Nations are in crisis and the countries are at war against each other. Everyone is claiming territories and in isolation people are being protective of what think belongs to them. Amongst all these confusions, the word of God remains crystal.

Right now the ground we stand on is shaking. We are tossed round by the various happenings, most recently COVID-19, almost everyone is in a state of isolation and some in quarantine, all dependent on new and updates from our governments on what they are doing or have in place to weather the storm. Some people are starting to let what the world thinks override what they know about the power of God.  

The clarity in the word of God is the confidence that the children of God have and will always depend on. All the times you’ve been working with God; He has been empowering you for this journey. Yes, this is exactly what the Lord has been preparing you for, a time of leadership to walk with people, leading them into His presence.

The children of Israel had so much difficulties and challenges on their way to the promised land. Some of the difficulties which they actually self-inflicted on themselves due to the way they treated the things of God, and others which just happened along the way like it does in everyone’s life; but one thing was clear, in all God was true to His words and His promises.

While the journey was tough for the Israelites, God provided everything they needed for the journey ahead and on the journey, God made sure they didn’t lack any basics. The Lord is still the same, so as His children we have the assurance that no matter what happens, as long as we are called His own then we are protected and provided for.

The Lord also gave an assurance to Joshua promising to remain with him as he led the Israelites into the promise land. So I urge you today to see yourself as the Joshua of our time, that person whom the Lord has created you to be.

Moses died before Joshua began to reign as a leader hence the opportunity to lead would not have risen if Moses was still alive. The world right now has opportunity for the Children of God to lead people to Christ and I urge you to take it that stand and opportunity.

You have been empowered. Dwell daily on the word of God and use every day to focus on leading people into God’s presence. The world is in crisis but the Children of God have peace. The Lord has never been known to fail and He will not start now. The God we serve us bigger than anything the world may face; He will heal the land.


  • Father, I thank you for another wonderful day in your presence
  • I manifest in your given power to operate in authority in the days of adversity
  • Thousands will fall by my right and ten thousand by my side but will not near me and my loved ones
  • Forgive my iniquities Lord and let your mercy prevail over judgement
  • Thank you Father and in Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.

I’m reading the YouVersion plan ‘Bible in One Year 2020 With Nicky Gumbel’. Check it out by clicking on the caption below.  

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