Life Is Just Busy!

All the Athenians and the foreigners who lived there spent their time doing nothing but talking about and listening to the latest ideas.

Memory Verse: and he gives us the power to live, to move, and to be who we are. “We are his children,” Acts 17:27

We are always busy and I am guilty of being so busy that sometimes I wonder if those things I engage myself in could really be amended and re-prioritized. There is a phase when I had no time to study the word of God and didn’t even feel bad about it but then there was a phase where I studied but didn’t pray because I would simply tell myself God understands! So, I’ll do one and leave the other. To make myself feel less guilty, I replace my personal time with God for gospel songs but is life really that busy?

I have intentionally experimented on various occasions, and I will tell you the results really soon but if you are told to break down your day daily, what do you do from waking up to bedtime? Is your morning prayer an activity and is that the only time you speak to God? Or do you give yourself time to intentionally spend any other time with God? I’ll love to hear from you!

Paul was busy, His was not due to unemployment or laziness but out of respect and relationship. I naturally thought Paul only got himself involved in preaching hence why he could focus, but Paul  had something else going on in his life. Apostle Paul said in 2 Thessalonians “and we didn’t accept food from anyone without paying for it. We didn’t want to be a burden to any of you, so night and day we worked as hard as we could.”

Against all odds, Apostle Paul had so much time for God. He intentionally made God his priority so much that He wrote  at least 13 of the 27 books in the New Testament. He was only human after all, with the hustle and bustle of life. Why then have we given life priority over the creator of life? The people of Athens unlike us were also very busy but doing things of value, they listened to gossips and spent time hunting.

After my various experiments, I realized that the days I spend my mornings with Him and commit my day ahead to Him, I tend to achieve more and get everything done, however on the days I rush out, it seems like 24hrs is not enough. God makes my day sufficient and those things that would usually fill my day up taking so much time happen such faster.

This is my personal experience and though life is busy, I let the giver of life arrange my day and He navigate me through the business of life much easier. If you have not tried it, I encourage you to spend good time in His presence and at the end of the day, write down your experience for the day.

I’m not saying I don’t face challenges on certain days, but He gives me the strength to carry on.

I look forward to hearing your experience.


  • Father I thank you for a wonderful day filled with your presence
  • Thank you for your unending love and care for me
  • Help me Father to start each day and end it with you, help me bever to be too busy for you.
  • Thank you for your blessings that endureth forever and your continuous healing on all sides
  • You are a faithful God and I thank you for your wonderful works. Help me from today to have a solid relationship with you. A genuine one without selfishness but selflessness.
  • I am grateful for the gift of life and for your endless grace
  • Forgive my sins o Lord and receive my sacrifice of praise, AMEN.

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