Thank you for submitting a COVID19 Relief Form
We will get back to you in 24 Hours to confirm your application

NEW CENTRE ALERT!!! SCLC FREE WEEKEND PRIMARY SCHOOL EDUCATION PROJECT >>>> SEPTEMBER 2023 >>>> Now Recruiting for staffs Click here to find out more.
At Stay connected love center, we very much rely on having accurate personal data to communicate with you and provide support tailored to your needs. It is therefore essential that we can continue to provide an excellent support to everyone while holding and processing all personal data in accordance with these new legal obligations.
As you are currently subscribing to our website or enrolled onto one of our programs, we need to let you know the types of data which we may hold about you, why we hold that data and how we might use it.
What data we collect
Name, Address, mobile number, email address, Account number, Photos and Videos
Why we collect your data
To contact you for current support programs and send you daily devotional/ Send you our monthly newsletter/ Invite you to volunteer at charity events/Advertise upcoming charity events/ Request for referrals within your network
Who will have access to your data
All employees will have access to this data but all your data will be stored in a secure drive
When do we use your data
We will only share your data with third parties with your consent.
Data Retention Policy
We keep candidate data from your initial enquires until you notify us you do not want to be contacted anymore.
please kindly let us know if you do not want to be filmed or photographed on the day of any of our events. This will help us position you in a “no-video zone”. If we do not hear from you, we will assume you’re happy to be filmed and photographed
We would like to contact you regarding future events but if you do not want us to contact you, please email us at and we will delete you from our database.
Please note that should you change your mind and wish to be contacted by us in the future – please email and we will update our Database.
WhatsApp us
Newsletters, Quizes, Event Updates, Prizes and More…
Thank you for submitting a COVID19 Relief Form
We will get back to you in 24 Hours to confirm your application