Proverbs Challenge Day 6


Good Morning Wise Student,


STEP 1: Click on this link to study >> PROVERBS CHAPTER 6



STEP 2: Pick a favourite verse from today’s study and:

  •      Post it in the *comments* link/box below
  •      Post it on your whats app status and other social media links (We might be checking) 


STEP 3: Answer ‘Today’s Questions’ and email answers to **

Today’s Questions


1. What will come on the sluggard like a bandit?

A. Folly

B. Destruction

C. Poverty

D. Calamity



2. Where can a person not walk without being burned?

A. On hot coals

B. In a furnace

C. In the desert heat

D. On lightning


3. What kind of heart does the LORD detest?

A. One that devises
wicked schemes

B. One that harbors hatred of a neighbor

C. One that will not forgive

D. One that is angry without a cause


4. What does the father warn about being trapped by ?

A. One’s own words

B. The pledge of another

C. A vow made to an adulteress

D. The snare of the wicked


5.  The_________ are the way to life.

A. Corrections of Discipline

B. Commands of the father

C. Wise sayings

D. Righteous actions



Thank You! get reading and answering.


Have a great day and stay blessed.

Tosin Lawal
…remain connected


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