Thursday, February 27, 2020
Bible Text: Matthew 22:14 “And Jesus concluded, “Many are invited, but few are chosen.” Read Matthew 22:1-14
Memory Verses: Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who calls me ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only those who do what my Father in heaven wants them to do.”
Imagine being invited to an event by Queen Elizabeth Windsor of England, what an honor I suppose that will be. While some will gladly jump at the invite and rush at the opportunity, there are some who will simply feel too familiar and ignore the invitation, even without the decency of proper notification of inability to attend the event. Likewise, you have some uninvited guests who might show up at the event through tagging along an invited guest, such remain unrecognised. While it may appear that most of the invited guests are acquainted with each other and easily converse from time to time, those who just tagged along could be there, feeling awkward and left out. More interestingly are those who attend the event in unacceptable costumes or dress codes, they are most likely excused, looked down on as ragamuffins and such are unable to enjoy the ceremony like others would.
Jesus describes the kingdom of Heaven in today’s bible text using the parable of the wedding feast. This is the journey of every human on earth. God has determined that His plans for the world will go forward. He has spent time preparing Heaven for Children and has sent Jesus His son as a sacrifice to give us the gift of salvation and entrance into His presence. The golden question is, “how have you received the invitation and responded to it?”
God has set the tables, ready for the feast, but day after day, many round the world keep refusing the invitation. Some even make excuses for themselves, while some procrastinate acceptance. Some have been completely carried away by the things of the world, paying no attention to the things of God anymore. Some wants their reward here on earth and have forgotten to seek the kingdom of a God in everything they do. Many have forgotten that time on earth is limited and others do everything to criticize the gospel of God. They look for loop holes in the messages being preached and recruit others with them to tarnish and discredit the word of God. Many even assume the position of antichrist or atheist, opposing and outwardly denying God’s existence.
Because the legitimate children of God are failing in their duties, we now see a world that has gone sick. What we see in today’s world is diverse people claiming to be the solution to people’s problems. Such people by some reason are able to carry out some manipulation and magic which makes them think they qualify to be called the messiah, moreover, people make them feel they are. Such people are not chosen by God as they take away the focus and glory from God, such can never be accepted into his kingdom nor could be said to have accepted His invite.
God does not compromise on His word. He has a standard and even if the whole world refuses to live righteously, God will not lower His standard just to have heaven filled with people. You have been invited but only the way you live for Him determines if you become chosen or not.
- Father I thank You for the salvation of my soul. Thank you for inviting me into your kingdom.
- I surrender all to you O Lord, help me to walk with you and work diligently towards your missiona and vision all through this year 2020
- Help me to fully acknowledge Your supremacy and do that which is your will alone including soul winning
- Forgive my iniquities Lord and let your mercy prevail over judgement
- Thank you Father and in Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.
I’m reading the YouVersion plan ‘Bible in One Year 2020 With Nicky Gumbel’. Check it out by clicking on the caption below.