Monday, March 9, 2020
Bible Text: Matthew 26:48-49 “Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, “Whomever I kiss, He is the one; seize Him.” Immediately Judas went to Jesus and said, “Greetings (rejoice), Rabbi!” And he kissed Him [in a deliberate act of betrayal].”
Memory Verse: Matthew 24:24 “For false Christs and false prophets will appear and they will provide great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect (God’s chosen ones).”
I remember the very first time I studied today’s bible text, I didn’t know exactly how to feel. I experienced a mixed emotion because something in me felt like it wasn’t a past occurrence, if felt like the betrayal of Christ by Judas was happening all over again, more like in real time.
For a moment, I felt compassionate towards Christ because of what He went through; even though the happening is known to have be ordained of God and of the knowing of Jesus Himself, I was still upset within me. Why would anyone do such to another person? why did Judas have to plan with the enemies of Christ to kill him? Judas even went as far as having an agreed signal with enemy, prompting them on when the act to betray Jesus was to occur, it’s devastating.
Unfortunately, and as painful as it sounds, this is exactly what happens in our everyday life. We have people whom we pricelessly value in our lives, people placed so high in our lives to the point if care is not taken, we could start idolizing them. Such people remain very important part of our lives until something happens and they are not there for us when we need them the most. There is a possibility of such people conspiring with of those seeking to harm us, an act of betrayal which might be so difficult to fathom when one discovers it. For a fact it becomes so hurtful and thoughts that they may have used deception to gain access into our lives and exploit us comes to light.
Deception is the auto setting for human beings and we see this in the life of Jacob and Esau. With the help of their mother, Jacob was able deceive their father in order to get the blessings which belongs to his older brother Esau according to Genesis 27:1-40. We see that the original down fall of human was also based of the serpent’s deception Genesis 3.
These days, most of the things we see outside in the world are not as they appear. Most things have been filtered out before anyone gets to see or hear of it, there by deceiving the general public into something different from the original.
As a child of God. Theres a way not to get caught up in and with deception. It is by staying connected to God and depending on Him alone in every area of life. By not sitting in the counsel of the ungodly, doing evil or conspiring with others to do evil. Living our daily lives this way means allowing God to order our steps, control out thoughts and reveal to us the strategies of those who are out there to harm us. All these saves us from the continued deception going round the word.
- Father I thank You for another wonderful week. Thank You for being the greatest role model to mankind
- I surrender all to you O Lord, help he to stay off deception and open my eyes to see those who aim and work towards deceiving me
- Help me to fully rely on You Lord for direction in my everyday life, and give unto me a discerning spirit to be steps ahead of the enemy
- Forgive my iniquities Lord and let your mercy prevail over judgement
- Thank you Father and in Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.
I’m reading the YouVersion plan ‘Bible in One Year 2020 With Nicky Gumbel’. Check it out by clicking on the caption below.