Lambs Amongst Wolves!

The Lord now chose seventy-two other disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places he planned to visit. These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields. Now go, and remember that I am sending you out as lambs among wolves.

Memory Verse: Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. Matthew 7:15 

Today’s bible text starts with Jesus selecting more disciples in addition to the twelve. Those He chose were people close to Him, not as close as the twelve but close enough and are genuine followers of Christ. These new set had all been called by Christ for an assignment greater than their initial career and from there, their work for the creator of heaven and earth commenced. These seventy-two were not just handpicked and sent out to the word, after selection, they were baptized, taught the word and then prepared to impact others with the knowledge of the word of God. 

Jesus is the good Shepard who has been and is always protecting us from the strategies and attacks of the enemy, yet He sends us lambs out amongst wolves. How do we survive? The world is tough but even way tougher for those who represent Christ, therefore survival rate as a child of God is only determined by how much we let ourselves be taught and directed by God.

In the work of God, you cannot be your own teacher neither can you just depend on your own skills, strength and ability. The call and instruction is not one for your advantage and glory but for the glory of the Father hence the most important place to learn is at the feet of Christ. 

Jesus has not called you promising an easy, comfortable and problem-free life but in today’s chapter we see that He has prepared our minds in time for the Journey ahead and also given us a user guide on how to live among the wolves in this life. The instruction given to us is very specific with really important guidelines which we are not allowed to use any other conflicting approach, else we may be working contrary to the instruction given by the master. Luke 10 :1-20 explains our call as Christians, the instructions, the reward for souls we win to Christ and the reward for us as disciples. 

What position are you taking as a child of God in today’s world? Will you:

1. Remain inside the house and not come out because you don’t want to be hurt by the wolves out there?

2. Come out as sheep in wolves clothing and try to blend into the word?

3. Step out in faith trusting the shepherd who has sent you out will protect you?

Remember we are not out on our own as children of God, we have been sent out by our shepherd Jesus, just like God sent His son to us John 3:16. Jesus has sent us out with a purpose into a dangerous world and while He knows we are tender, defenseless and may even lose our way in this journey, we are certain that we can depend on a reliable Him to sustain us during the journey Luke 10:4. His power and protection Luke 10:19 and we have our name registered in heaven Luke 10:20 .

The work of God is not the work to any man so be rest assured that if God sent you out, He will glorify Himself.


  • Father I am thankful for the gift of life
  • Help me from today O Lord to be a true ambassador and disciple of you out there in the world
  • Let me never be ashamed of the Gospel. I will do all to propagate it in Jesus name
  • Forgive me all my sins O Lord and let your mercy prevail over judgement
  • Thank you Lord for answers to prayers, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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