Grace Over all!

Even so then, at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace.  And if by grace, then it is no longer of works; otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if it is of works, it is no longer grace; otherwise work is no longer work. What then? Israel has not obtained what it seeks; but the elect have obtained it, and the rest were blinded. Just as it is written: “God has given them a spirit of stupor, Eyes that they should not see And ears that they should not hear, To this very day.”

Memory Verse: And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace, John 1:16.

Grace is powerful, His awesomeness beats hard work, talent, connections and even wealth. It’s the most important concept in Christianity and the whole life of a Christian is leaned towards His “Grace” but a question remains; “why is grace so important?”

In simple terms, Grace, to a Christian is God’s favour when we are undeserving. Grace is something that cannot earned or afforded. Most times we hear three words used interchangeably by Christians: “Grace, Favour and Mercy” and these words almost sound exactly the same. It is however important to understand all three words. The understanding of those words will help us in understanding how to relate with God.

Grace – Unmerited Favour, naturally incapable of obtaining

Favour – Special privileges granted

Mercy – Compassion and Forgiveness.

Jesus told very interesting parables, all of which are still very applicable in today’s world because the word of God is alive today as it was yesterday. The parable of the workers in the vineyard in Matthew 20:1-16 is a perfect example of grace. The landowner goes out to hire some men to work in his vineyard and the hired men expected a full day’s wage or at least get paid a wage correlating to the hours worked. Without doubt, this is logical, but the landowner then went out every couple of hours to hire more men, telling them he would pay them.

Astonishingly, at the end of the day’s work despite having hired people at different phases of work and hours of the day, the landowner paid the last men that arrived a day’s wages just as he paid the first set of men hired at the start of the day. The first set of men definitely complained and disagreed, not because they were underpaid, but because the owner paid the last hired set of men more money more than they worked for. We can say grace covered those men!

God’s economy doesn’t run like ours, God’s generosity in the parable reminds us that God’s grace is not something we can work to earn! It is something He willingly and by choice gives to us. He gives us grace free even when we have done nothing to deserve it. Everyone alive enjoys the common grace of God daily for being alive! His saving grace is what provides salvation.

Romans 3:23 tell us “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”, so when the people of old offer sacrifices required by the book of the Law, God forgives their sins and grants them mercy. He lets go and even favours them again by providing for their needs and the rest alike but when He granted human grace, He wiped off the whole of the recurring process by sending His son Jesus to the earth and as a result Salvation came to human.

We now by the grace of God have direct access to Him through the name of Jesus and have a hope for eternity John 14:13, John 14:2.

Jesus has finished the work on the cross to make His grace fully available to us as a free gift; however, we can only be totally transformed not by Jesus accepting Jesus alone but with our regular interaction with the Holy Spirit.

We can continue to receive more grace, James 4:6!


  • Father I thank you for another wonderful week full of your blessings
  • Thank you for your unmerited grace which I daily enjoy
  • Help me to stay switched on in your presence, never to go cold
  • Help me to focus only on you God and serve no man-made gods or creation
  • Help me to live a spiritually profiting life and fulfil that which you expect of me
  • Strengthen my relationship and fellowship with you Lord, let me be consecrated to you forever all my life
  • Let me not be replaced O Lord, use me for Your glory Lord.
  • Draw me nearer and closer to you, help me to maintain communication with you
  • Remove every grease in our relationship Lord, let me get to know you more than ever before
  • Father let my life be an expression of your grace and let your favour be my portion.
  • Forgive my sins Lord and answer my prayers, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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