Focused on the word of God!

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

Memory Verse: “He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will be destroyed.” Proverbs 13:20 .

Have you ever heard the saying, Word creates world? The first time I saw that was during one of my devotional studies and I pondered on it for so long. My heart could not contain the explosion that was going on inside of me mainly because I was brought up in a country where words are used negatively to destroy peoples world.

This statement is first validated by the bible in Genesis 1:2-3, the Bible tells us that everything was without form and the spirit of God could not operate in that level of darkness until God spoke the word. He spoke the world into being what you and I enjoy today and by His word He gave us a place in the world.

Many times, we just open our mouths and say things without thinking about the benefits, negative impact or consequences it may have in another man’s world. We use our words to modify a world that was beautifully created by God. It’s no wonder the bible says in James 1:26 “If you claim to be religious but don’t control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless.”

Our spoken word has a lot to do with what’s inside of us and  the environment we position ourselves. If you constantly seat in the congregation of the ungodly and continue to mingle with people who do not have the fear of God because they lack wisdom, you are creating a world of foolishness.

I once heard a story of a young man who came to England with his family to settle down. Though he lived with his extended families, he had friends who worked in the financial sector. He gradually empowered himself and became employed into the financial sector too. His families said he was being too forward as most people had their first job working in McDonalds. When he was ready to buy himself a home, they told him he needs to settle down into renting first as this was the norm. His families were trying to create a world for him with the words they spoke into his life, and I think they won because he decided to reason with them.

Words are powerful and can have lasting effect on our lives . What is being said to you and what do you say? What drives your words and how has this impacted your world and the world around you?

When you focus and dwell on the word of God daily, you are feeding yourself with wisdom from God and building content in your heart with the help of the Holyspirt so when you speak you speak wisdom not just beautiful jargons, Colossians 2:8.

You can build and tear down the world of others with your word but with the word of God, you are guaranteed to be a successful builder not a destroyer. Proverbs 18:21.


  • Thank You Jesus you are an amazing God
  • Thanks for your love, provision and lovingkindness
  • Forgive my iniquities Lord and help me to live in your presence always
  • Take my heart and let it be, consecrated to you O Lord
  • I receive confidence in you Lord, I denounce self-confidence
  • Let your word dwell richly in me Lord, let me not just be a hearer but a doer
  • I surrender all to you Lord withholding nothing!
  • I cast my burdens unto you Lord, give me all round peace like a river
  • Thank you for going ahead, Father, I am grateful for all!
  • AMEN!

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