United And Diverse!

“The body of Christ has many different parts, just as any other body does. Some of us are Jews, and others are Gentiles. Some of us are slaves, and others are free. But God’s Spirit baptized each of us and made us part of the body of Christ. Now we each drink from that same Spirit. Our bodies don’t have just one part. They have many parts. Suppose a foot says, “I’m not a hand, and so I’m not part of the body.” Wouldn’t the foot still belong to the body? Or suppose an ear says, “I’m not an eye, and so I’m not part of the body.” Wouldn’t the ear still belong to the body? If our bodies were only an eye, we couldn’t hear a thing. And if they were only an ear, we couldn’t smell a thing. But God has put all parts of our body together in the way that he decided is best.”

Memory Verse:“But God has put all parts of our body together in the way that he decided is best.” I Corinthians 12:18.

The desire of our hearts are so many that it’s sometimes difficult to know when God is working through us as His children. For so long, I wanted a particular spiritual gift because I loved the manifestation of that gift. This was my default setting and because of this, I could not see that I was gifted in other areas and even worse is that I could not see the manifestation of all those other things because to me they felt very ordinary.

The great day of turn around came with clarity from the Holyspirt when i was asked question, For Whose glory? I had no answer because I realized the gift, I wanted may have been my desire but the gift that God has given me was what He needed for the completion of His Glory in the church.

What gift do you desire from God? What gift do you really desire from Him and what is the purpose of your gift?

The gift that you rate so low is important to God because God gives diverse gifts for the unity of His church. Every single gift that God gives is for His own glory not yours and the time you waste neglecting your gift may be better used to enhance the kingdom of God. You may never receive more if you do not use that which He has deposited in you.

Jesus told the parables of the servants and their master, and we see that the servant who had been given 5,000 coins brought them in with the 5,000 that he had earned. He said, “Sir, you gave me 5,000 coins, and I have earned 5,000 more.” “Wonderful!” his master replied. “You are a good and faithful servant. I left you in charge of only a little, but now I will put you in charge of much more. Come and share in my happiness!” Matthew 25:20-21.

I am more convinced by God’s word that everything He has created including you and I are for His glory and though we may have diverse gifts, talents, and ability, we are all to use our gifts to continually unite the God’s Kingdom. We are different yet we are together.


  • Father I an grateful for your amazingness in my life
  • Let me from today identify your gifts in my life and use them for the purpose you have deposited them in me
  • Let me from today lay aside every weight of traditions that holds me back from fully serving you
  • I renounce and denounce every confusion and interwoven traditions which distracts me from totally serving and worshipping you
  • Cleanse me o Lord, and make me whole and be worthy of your calling
  • Forgive my sins o Lord and remember my iniquities no more
  • Have mercy on me O Lord and receive my sacrifice of praise, IJMN, AMEN.

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