Friday, February 28, 2020
Bible Text: Job 33:14-15 “For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds,”
Memory Verse: Proverbs 3:6 Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.
One of the most beautiful things about knowing God is that His communication lines are always open. It’s almost like there is this powerful Wi-Fi Access Point with password “Jesus” to get connected. The advancement of this connection is so out of this world, it is not limited by connection load, it has unlimited accessibility and device connectivity, all that’s needed is to keep entering the password and anyone and everyone gets connected.
There are times in life even our closest friends and even families might not be interested in conversing. Sometimes certain conversations need the right place, the right time, a right state of mind for the hearer, and a host of other factors and that’s what makes us human. So if I had a burning issue I needed to discuss with my dad but unfortunately dad is not in an area with network coverage then what choice do I have? Do I then put myself in a vulnerable position by discussing it with someone who may just give me the wrong advice or do I start to think about the situation until it depresses me?
Communication has the ability to build relationships and the lack of it could destroy even the best of relationships. We are at advantage here because our heavily father has left His connection open to His own children and those who wish to become one. God spoke to Abraham about leaving His father’s land to an unknown land which He promised to tell him later, same God spoke with Noah about building an ark, He spoke to Joseph about Mary’s pregnancy and Solomon about blessing Him in a dream, He spoke to Paul on His way to Damascus and ever since then He is still speaking. Yes God speaks to people in various ways because He is interested in a relationship with His children. How does He do it, when, where? How come He is able to get across to so many people at once and likewise listen to all at the same time?
The most obvious way God speaks to us is through His word. 2 Timothy 3:16. The bible is filled with God’s words some of which are warnings, encouragements, lessons to be learnt and even plans for our future. He knows all the end of the earth from the beginning, therefore He is the best guide any human can have and He has given us principles to apply towards living a successful life. All of these is embedded in the scriptures and in connection to the trinity.
While hearing from God is not restricted to a specific way, no format, no location, He determines how, where and when to speak but importantly, He’s always saying something through His spirit, through prayers, dreams, circumstances, music, still small voice, signs, other believers. Sometimes He also uses nature, the things He created to communicate with us like a donkey in the case of speaking to Balaam, Numbers 22:21-29.
Once you’re connected to Heaven through Jesus Christ, John 14:13, God speaks to you in various unique ways. As you journey through life, do all to remain connected to God and you’ll be surprised on how much you’ve been missing out on.
As you journey through life, continue to listen out for God’s voice in everything you do.
- Father I thank You for your endless blessings over my life
- Father, I desire to hear from you, speak to me O Lord and open my ears to hear when you speak
- Forgive my iniquities Lord and let your mercy prevail over judgement
- Thank you Father and in Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.
I’m reading the YouVersion plan ‘Bible in One Year 2020 With Nicky Gumbel’. Check it out by clicking on the caption below.