You Need To Sudy The Bible Yourself!

Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.

Memory Verse: Mathew 22:29, Jesus replied, “Your mistake is that you don’t know the Scriptures, and you don’t know the power of God.

Think of you being lost in the woods or a forest, your phone battery dies out, no GPS, no Map but you have an idea you are going towards the north. For you to get coordinates out of your lost path you definitely need a compass. The Bible often called a Christian’s compass and an history book has written in it, things of the past that explains ancient events and likewise direc tion towards the future. As Christians we don’t only see the bible as an History book, we call it the word of God which guides us through the right paths and teaches us good morals of life.

Yes, the bible contains how God created the earth and everything in it according to the book of Genesis but it also talks about things that are yet to happen in the last days and how God will pass Judgment on the earth in its final book called Revelation. The bible is not like any other history book because history books do not talk about the future but only historical events of the past.

The bible is alive and active, Hebrews 4:12 and it is a Living truth which must be embraced because in it you will find the intentions of God for you and your generation, His plan for your future, His corrections and guidance, His instructions and His rebuke, 2Timothy 3:16-17. Just as KFC has a delicious meal box called “Fully Loaded”, the Bible is also fully loaded in nutrients important for spiritual enrichment and physical impartation. So it is therefore important for all who are associated with Christ to dwell on God’s word and be a doer of it. Soaking ones’ self in the word of God should be non-negotiable for every Christian.

Today’s Bible text points to the fact that meditating on the word of God and doing that which is there in is the only criteria for you and I to manifest in success and prosperity.

In today’s memory verse, Jesus points out to the Sadducees’ religious leaders that not knowing the scripture is a huge mistake, Read Mathew 22:23-29 be get more enlightened about this story. Clearly if the leaders don’t have an understanding then automatically any follower depending on such leader will lack the required knowledge.

Studying and dwelling on the word of God by yourself is the only way to understand God’s plan for you. It is important to know God for yourself. The word of God being alive means it is new every moment. One verse could have so many meanings and interpretations. You get different revelation all the time you read it and the Holyspirit interprets the same verses in so many different ways. The bible is beautiful to study and meditate upon.

Therefore, unless you study the bible by yourself, you will be depending on what the holy spirit has interpreted to others about God’s plan for you which in some cases might not be His actual plan for you. That’s like running another man’s vision, dream and purpose. You need to link up with your maker in order for Him to reveal your own purpose and mission to you.

I encourage you today to make time, do whatever it takes to ensure you study the bible independently to uncover God’s promises for you. His promises and plan for you are unmeasurable.

The new things He has in stock for you has not been revealed to any man. Sync up with God today through prayers and study of the word, the blessings extractable from this relationship are endless.

Father I thank you for another wonderful month just starting. Thank you for your gift of life and for your unending faithfulness. Help me to love you more Lord. Help me to know you and the power of your resurrection. Help me to study myself approved unto you, diving your word with all confidence, happiness and boldness. Make me a sound disciple from today reveal my purpose unto me. Thank you Lord for being a dependable God. Thank you Jesus. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

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