Christian’s Are The Real VVIP!

Christ was truly God. But he did not try to remain equal with God. Instead he gave up everything and became a slave, when he became like one of us. Christ was humble. He obeyed God and even died on a cross. Then God gave Christ the highest place and honored his name above all others. So at the name of Jesus everyone will bow down, those in heaven, on earth, and under the earth. And to the glory of God the Father everyone will openly agree, “Jesus Christ is Lord!”.

Memory Verse: Jesus said, “Thomas, do you have faith because you have seen me? The people who have faith in me without seeing me are the ones who are really blessed!” John 20:29.

Have you ever thought “why bother being a Christian?”  Usually, this type of questions arises when we see unbelievers progressing or when it seems like despite our belief and trust in God, situations just simply refuse to get any better and, in that moment, we get to a season to question things or even God. We question our effort, our choices and sometimes begin to wonder if life was better-off as an unbeliever.

If you have been in such situation, it’s important to know that you are a normal human being going through a normal circle of change. A few people in the bible went through this process and King David and brother Job were also at this phase at a point in their existence. Job questioned why evil people live so long and become so powerful, Job 21:7 yet he as a person who fully trusted in God still found himself under such attack.

The Christian life is one that though subject to attack, has a definite end. Every human being goes through certain phases in life but only those who calls on the name of Jesus will be saved. This means that despite what the devil throws at us, because we have faith in the name of Jesus, it only ends one way – we are automatically blessed and will be saved.

Jesus has repositioned us from ordinary beings to VVIP status because He paid the price and because of this, His name is the access we need. Don’t allow yourself to be mixed up in the crowd, if you are for Jesus then you are positioned in the VVIP section and your current challenges doesn’t change your status.


  • Father I am grateful for a wonderul time studying your word.
  • Thank you for your salvation of my soul and your grace over my life
  • Having accepted you Lord, guide me to follow you solely, to study your word, to have a relationship with you and not be tossed around my illegitimate doctrines of the world
  • Forgive me of all my shortcomings O Lord and let your mercy prevail over judgement
  • Thank you Lord for answers to prayers, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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