If Any Man Is In Christ!

“and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again. Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”

Memory verse: “Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.” II Corinthians 5:20.

For the past few years, I have intentionally immersed myself in the study of the word of God because as I mature, I realise no quantity of motivational books can give me the satisfaction I desire from life and unravel from the word of God. Without doubt, motivational books are brilliant, but they only address one issue at a time so if for example the need relates to money, I will usually find a book that teaches on the fundamentals of money management and if its with behaviours then I find another book that educates on behavioural management. These I have done for years and still doing but the bed rock still remains the Word of God!

Those books were and are still extremely useful to me, but this path is process driven as I needed to first find the right books then work on extracting and absorbing relevant information from those books in order to remember what’s being read, then finally apply what was a one at a time fix. One part of me was going through a fix while the other was just left then I grabbed my bible and looked into word of God.

The bible tells us being in Christ instantly makes everything old, a thing of the Past. So from the moment an individual accepts Jesus and confesses with their mouth He is their personal Lord and saviour, every wrong deeds including those that seem impossible instantly gets wiped off. Such individual is now like a new-born baby, adopted into the family of Christ and being directed by the spirit of God. All things become out rightly new!

As we then begin to open the word of God a day at a time, the Holy spirit begins to teach us and we don’t need to worry about the level of our understanding because He breaks things down in a way that we will understand. The Holy spirit then acts as our memory card by reminding us when needed of those things He has taught us so we can apply them to every area of our lives as required.

Once we are in Christ, we become Christ’s ambassadors and every area of our lives not some is to be lived for Him. We move from our old phase of being a nobody to being so important because now we matter to the creator of the universe because we are attached to Him. Every step we take and every move we make, every word we speak and every of our behaviour are now so important because our life should reflect God in every area.

I encourage us therefore today to become one with God. Live our lives being in Christ. Let go of the old things as they pass away and become new. Through this newness, we become eligible for eternal life after death and with Holiness and daily walking with God, we operate at the centrepiece of His purpose for our lives in readiness for His second coming.


  • Father I thank you for another wonderful day in your word
  • Help me Lord to let go of the old man, I become new in you
  • I rededicate my life to you Lord, use me
  • Help me to walk with you, live for you and be an ambassador showcasing your love to the world and winning souls to your kingdom
  • Forgive me all my sins Lord and give me a willing spirit
  • Thank you for answers to prayers, in Jesus name, AMEN.

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