What the scripture says vs what you believe

“So Saul clothed David with his Armor, and he put a bronze helmet on his head; he also clothed him with a coat of mail. David fastened his sword to his Armor and tried to walk, for he had not tested them. And David said to Saul, “I cannot walk with these, for I have not tested them.” So, David took them off.

Then he took his staff in his hand; and he chose for himself five smooth stones from the brook, and put them in a shepherd’s bag, in a pouch which he had, and his sling was in his hand. And he drew near to the Philistine. So the Philistine came, and began drawing near to David, and the man who bore the shield went before him.  And when the Philistine looked about and saw David, he disdained[d] him; for he was only a youth, ruddy and good-looking.  So the Philistine said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?” And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. And the Philistine said to David, “Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field!”

Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into our hands.”

Memory Verse: And He said to him, “Arise, go your way. Your faith has made you well. Luke 17:19.

I really am still at the building phase; I want to get to a phase where there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever no matter the situation. I want to make sure that the bible is my go-to place for everything because His word is settled in heaven and on earth. As a young Christian, I have been through some developmental phases. I have been through the yo-yo phase where I was emotionally driven by decisions and choose to believe what’s convenient and like Sarah, I would hold unto to word of God on my right hand but when my timelines don’t align with God’s plan, I activate what I already hold on my left-hand, aka plan B.

The plan B is not usually because I don’t know what scriptures says but because my faith is just not there yet, so even though I may have heard God, I still have an alternative. Two women in the bible operated just like me in the bible: Eve and Sarah. They both heard the instructions either directly or indirectly but because what they heard and believed did not align, they were easily convinced.

The devil quickly took advantage of Eve’s lack of understanding to remodify the words from God just like he convinced Sarah that God was enabling her to have children and though they already heard God, they believed in the lie of the devil and because of this, Abraham laid with her maid and produced Ishmael, Genesis 3,Genesis 16.

The bible also talks about some people who heard and believed the word of God, therefore only acted in line with what they heard. Joseph & Mary who were Jesus’s birth parents heard from God, took the instructions and only followed the leading of the word of God, Matthew 1:18-24.

Whatever stage you may be in now, it’s important to make progress through to an alignment stage where your belief is not driven by the situation but driven by that which is written in the word of God. That’s the only phase in which you will be able to be like David, be confidently successful in standing against the Goliaths of this world.


  • Father, I worship you for who you are and what you do in my life
  • I thank you for the power in your words which gives life
  • Father let your word continually dwell in me, inspire me and guide me daily
  • Help me to believe strongly in word and never relapse to what the word says
  • Help me Lord to rise above adversity and be victorious on all sides
  • Thank you for going ahead, Father, I am grateful for all!
  • Forgive me Lord of all my iniquities, bless me abundantly and make me a blessing unto others, in Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen.

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