Your Mindset Really Matters!

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.

Mindset defined by oxford dictionary is “The established set of attitudes held by someone.” Our default mindset at birth is neutral, that is how God wired us, but Over time it evolves as we become capable to make choices, decisions and build attitudes.

Though neutral at start, a few factors not limited to how we are raised, the environment we find ourselves, the people we relate with, the circumstances and challenges we face in life, the beliefs we adopt and many more changes it from it’s neutral point. It moves into a positive, negative, holy or canal mindset.

In various bible versions, the heart and mind are usually used interchangeably to describe not just the physical being but the emotions of a person and Jesus said in Matthew 6:21 that our hearts are always where our treasures are.

Building a relationship with God starts from the mind and as we live in a world where science is beautified and taught to contest positions with God’s sovereignty, it can at times be difficult for believers and most times unbelievers to agree He exists talk less of Him being supreme or capable of doing every single thing He promised in His word.

The mind is the centrepiece of everything humans do. It is not only important to guard it jealously from being influenced by worldly features but also vital to develop its identity in Christ. A mindset that is worldly/canal cannot be submissive to Christ but that which identifies with Christ has assurance of eternal life and peace even in the midst of storm.

As a believer of Christ, I believe science evolved because God gave man the wisdom to discover! For a car to drive at all, it needs an engine which most times is positioned in an internal circuit. The same applies to a functional man; the spirit interwoven with the soul controls the physical and they are placed in the body.

That’s why a medic can tell you when there’s no more pulse or output, a body is useless. A spiritually minded man is one who has a relationship with God who is spirit, but a carnally minded man is one who loves the world and displaces God. Such has no more pulse and no access to eternal life and everlasting peace after death.

If you find your heart is not in the right place and wavers between God and worldliness, it’s not too late to talk to God about fixing it. This begins with recognising that you have a mindset that needs changing, then searching yourself and identifying what affects your mindset if it is fear, hopelessness, worry, self-condemnation, complex and the rest alike then deciding to surrender all unto God who is capable of remoulding, shaping and placing you in the path to eternal life and peace.

Some of your mindset may be doing you much harm than good and You cannot really be serving God from a mind that sits on the fence. God cannot be mocked, Your mindset matters and will affect your quality of relationship both with God and man.

Where your mind is set determines what your focus will be on as your mindset can sometimes control your actions. So I encourage you using God’s words to Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Guard your mind jealously, let it focus and identify with Christ. Failing to do so means you handing over rights to the world to define your identity for you. The outcome might not always be palatable. It is much more promising, settlingg and of great benefit to camp with God.

God I thank you for another day. Thank you for creating me to me in your own image. Help me Lord not to conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of my mind. Help me to be able to test and approve what Your will is and to discern what is good, pleasing, perfect and acceptable to you. Thank you Jesus, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Have a fruitful day & GBU.

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