If we claim to be in the light and hate someone, we are still in the dark. But if we love others, we are in the light, and we don’t cause problems for them. If we hate others, we are living and walking in the dark. We don’t know where we are going, because we can’t see in the dark.
Memory Verse: From the beginning you were told we must love each other.1John 3:14.
Love! Love! Love! is the foundation of Christianity and of the world that we live in. We were created with love so we can love but many times, the world has misinterpreted everything including using enticing words to deceive those who have no understanding, hence why many forget the purpose of being created in the Image of the Maker and begin to search for other things as ways of pleasing God and satisfying themselves.
When was the last time you sat down to evaluate your intentional efforts towards God and man? This is reflecting on the time we spent just loving God and showing love to others. We have replaced our daily time with God for other things and when we even manage to spend time with God, it’s a prayer request exercise.
For the people we spend time around, we now only want to relate with people we think we could benefit from or those whom we are related to by blood, all because we know that in those types of relationship, there is a possibility of being rewarded.
The rest of our time is spent hating on others or judging what they do and using that as a justification as to why they are unlovable. If my any chance we find yourself hating on another human then no matter how much time we spend in church the bible says, we walk in darkness.
Everything God has done for us and is still doing for us is out of genuine love and while we are yet deep in sin, Jesus paved the way by showing us the way of light but the decision to remain in light is not made by merely saying we love God but to intentionally show it.
The only way the world will understand light is if it shines in darkness and if we say we are light, then we ought to shine; and without love, it’s impossible to shine.
Make your light shine, so others will see the good you do and will praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16.
- Father I am grateful for being created by the Father of Lights
- Thank you for making me a light to the world, a city unhidden.
- Forgive me of all my iniquities Lord, clothe me with an attitude of illumination.
- Help me not to be judgemental, to show genuine love and to show forth good and greater love as you have called me to
- I decree that I am a light to the world through the word and I will not be associated with darkness.
- Let all my praise and worship be acceptable before You.
- Thank You for answering and receiving me Lord, IJMN I Pray, Amen