Totally Devoted to God!

“Let your heart therefore be loyal to the LORD our God, to walk in His statutes and keep His commandments, as at this day.”

Memory verse: “Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.” Revelation 2:4

Before we progress through with today’s devotional in-depth, a good check point is right at the beginning of today’s word. Let’s ponder just a little on today’s topic and ask just one question “who and what am I really devoted to?

Devotion is defined by the Cambridge dictionary as “loyalty, love or care for someone or something”. This definition is just perfect in helping us with our reflection and at such we can start understanding the need to reset our priorities into what they should really be. A little reflection every now and again helps us make amends in areas needed and may even be the solution we need to many of life’s problems that seem to weigh us down.

Many times we say we are Christians and even spend most of our time in a church environment but are not truly devoted to God. We have misplaced priorities and instead of Prioritising God. We enjoy the church environment and most of the activities hence we spend our time there just for the comfort and not really to embrace the presence of God. All these activities are devotion-less service. Devotion to God is more than just lip service, eye service and emotions.

Talk is cheap, eye service is to please human as God deals with our heart and emotions fluctuates and if our devotion to the things of God are based on any of this then we may end up leaving our first love Revelation 2:4.

Jesus came here on earth to do the Fathers will and at such He was focused and devoted to the things of the Father and as Christ followers, we ought to let Christ live through us. Our love for Christ should mean total devotion to Him and doing everything we can to ensure the fathers will be accomplished. Acts 20:35, Philippians 2:12-13.

  • is you Christian life just going with the flow of those in your environment?
  • are you driven by emotions without devotion?
  • Are you just being religious?

It’s time to return to your first love through repentance and become fully devoted to Him.


  • Father I thank you for another great day full of love and grace
  • Help me Lord to live in oneness following your principles and sharing your love with others
  • Help me to be fully devoted to you and be passionate about my relationship with you
  • Go Ahead of Me Lord, guide me, order my steps, direct me and let this be my year of unprecedented grace.
  • Give me Oil, keep me burning and let me never depart from your presence.
  • Forgive me Lord of all my iniquities, bless me abundantly and make me a blessing unto others, in Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen.

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