God Knows All Your Needs!

He asked them, “How many loaves do you have?” And they said, “Seven.”  So He commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground. And He took the seven loaves and gave thanks, broke them and gave them to His disciples to set before them; and they set them before the multitude. They also had a few small fish; and having blessed them, He said to set them also before them. So they ate and were filled, and they took up seven large baskets of leftover fragments.

Memory Verse: The young lions lack and suffer hunger; But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. Psalms 34:10.

If there is one thing that drives most people towards wanting to be successful, it’s the satisfaction that we derive from being financially independent. Being Christians does not change how we feel about this as we see a lot of children of God quoting parts of the bible associated with prosperity. Even the scripture says money is a defence and it’s only too much “Love for Money” that is the root of evil. It’s more like we constantly thirst but often focus on drinking various things in attempt to quench those thirst but overall and scientifically proven, nothing quenches thirst better than cool glasses of water.

In today’s bible reading, we see Jesus feed the multitude but when we focus on what they were really after, we will notice the multitude gathered around Jesus and had been feeding on His teaching for three days without having anything to eat any physical food. They were hungrier spiritually and wanted to be fed the word of God. Unlike what we see in today’s world, people automatically expect miracles to fall on their lap from the first day they become Christians.

It’s no doubt that God gifts to new converts same as His already established children but in reality, people just want to be fed and the truth being even if a new convert receives a miracle on day 1, they will still never be satisfied, the hunger for more still continues. That’s why after three days of teaching the multitude, Jesus said “I have compassion on the multitude, because they have now continued with Me three days and have nothing to eat.”. He said this not because the multitude asked Him but because He saw knows their needs.

Jesus is more concerned about our life than we can ever imagine and He will use anything and everything possible to make sure we are satisfied. So even though all that was available was seven loaves and a two fishes, He made sure they ate to satisfaction through prayers and multiplication. As spiritually powerful as Elijah was, when he ran from Jezebel, God still identified his need. He strengthened Elijah spiritually through words of encouragements and He likewise spotted Elijah needed some food to eat, the buff up his physical strength; He knows your needs!

When people say they have decided to follow Jesus, there are different motives behind it but those who benefit the most are not miracle hunters but those who diligently seek Him in truth. His word according to Matthew 6:33 becomes active in our lives “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you”.

The word of God is the only cool glass of water we need to quench our thirst and it doesn’t matter how much we run around seeking to be settled in every area of life, we will keep running back and forth until we sit at the foot of Jesus to be fed to satisfaction. Every other thing the world gives is temporary but with God we attain satisfaction.

God will never leave you partially filled, your life with God is a balanced diet with all round satisfaction.


  • Father I thank you for your goodness and blessing experienced every day of my life
  • I am grateful for your grace and leading me to live a purpose driven life
  • Help me Lord to depend on you totally, not to rely on sources that can cease.
  • Help me Lord to worship you in spirit and in truth. Help me to have a true relationship with you
  • Bring me back to the paths I have strayed away from, let me from today be spiritually minded, know my purpose, walk in it and not allow carnal things to define me
  • Thank you for being a good father, one I can deliberate with and fully trust in
  • Help me Lord not to try reason you out, but surrender all occurrences in life to you and believe that you have it all under control and are able to change all circumstances for good
  • Help me to wait upon you in spirit and in truth, getting instructions and directions from heaven and walking solely with the Holyspirit while I fast and pray
  • Forgive me Lord of all my iniquities, bless me abundantly and make me a blessing unto others, in Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen.

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